Ben writes about himself in the third person

Ben has been obsessed with making videos since he got his hands on iMovie in fourth grade. Those grubby little hands then grew to be adult-sized hands, and he is pleasantly surprised to find that they are now holding nicer equipment than his dad’s camcorder from 1998.

Ben specializes in editing, directing and cinematograph…ing. He is also an FAA certified drone pilot.

Ben has been told he is a real decent guy to work with. If you told that to his face, however, he would instinctively reflect a kind phrase back at you as a defense mechanism because he still doesn’t know how to take compliments.

And in case you’re REALLY interested in knowing the nitty gritty details, here is Ben’s RESUME.

Wow, Ben seems like a guy worth talking to

I only wish there were an easy way to contact him…